Campaign for Sustainable Modes of Active and Resourceful Travel

Get SMART, Get Moving is a campaign designed to tackle the environmental impact of how we move.

Transport emissions make up 50% of our total emissions as a district and changing the way we move is one of the easiest ways we can make an impact on reducing these.

Changing the way we move means more biking, walking and collective transport options.


Southern Lakes Festival of Cycling

1 - 31 October | A month-long festival dedicated to strengthening the community’s love of bikes and developing an active transport culture.

Every October, local businesses and community groups within the Southern Lakes and Central Otago come together to bring us an action-packed month of bike events.

View the 2023 Programme for inspiration and contact us if you’re keen to organise a bike-centric event in 2024!

Get SMART Surveys

How do you Move Around? Let's Get SMART to Reduce Emissions in the Upper Clutha.

In 2021 and 2023, Wao conducted a survey to find out how we move around the district. This survey will be repeated every two years to identify patterns and changes, discover barriers and opportunities for change, and track our impact over time. Our goal is to accelerate the transition towards a low-emissions future.